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April Management
Property Management Solutions
Exceeding Expectations

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April Management
Property Management Solutions
Exceeding Expectations

What We Offer

In order to empower our community, we must strengthen our community. To strengthen our community we must upbuild, educate and work together.

Tenant Services


Business Services

Owner Services


Our Services

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Owner Services

We offer extensive and thorough background checks of each tenant and only submit applicants that have met your required criteria for each unit available. We also offer sub-contractors of all trades and experiences to complete a job as needed. Jobs are submitted through a bidding process to provide the most cost effective solution to your problem. Estimates are available without cost to owner and also submitted with bios and reviews on the company. Most services are offered free of charge or are included in packages. Service packages range from per unit, to per property or entire developments and range from one time use to continuous services. They can also be linked to an individual address, individual tenant or packages can be linked to continue throughout a lease term. The flexibility with these options allow for services to be customized to the ever changing needs of the owner.

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Business Services

Business Services We offer the ability to have access to contracts that they may not previously had access to. We do the leg work of inspecting the job so you don't have to. We encourage and promote employment of local contractors and small businesses. We offer multiple service options from trial periods, one time services fee, to subscription services.

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Tenant Services

We offer the ability to apply to multiple locations without an application fee and only show locations that you would be accepted into, saving time and money. We educate tenants on their potential landlord based on current and past residents feedback. For eligible tenants we also provide assistance with security deposit and moving cost.


Our Story

I purchased my first house at 19 from an auction. It came with a tenant already. I was a young, single, and a stubborn female so instead of being ripped off by contractors, I opted to do a lot of work myself (rather I attempted to do a lot of the work myself). I lived with a lot of mistakes, some very dangerous.

Eventually I married a contractor, a driven, intelligent, talented man with an impeccable work ethic trying to get his own small business off the ground. We worked hard together to ensure its success. Later on we decided to start renting, tired of doing maintenance on our own home after working on other homes. The Landlords that we have come in contact with, helps us to appreciate the renters point of view. I understand and sympathize with just wanting to have a place to lay my head at night. That is something we all deserve.

Empowering and strengthening our community will ensure everyone has a chance at that basic need to be met, whether its your first place, relying on rental income, or wanting to start a business to support your family. April Management cares for you.



If you would like to apply for rentals, view or update current rental information or apply for services.


If you want to register to offer your services, information on current service plans, receive copies of past invoices.


If you would like to register a unit/ property for rent or sale, want to find a contractor, receive copies of previous invoices.